About me
Dian Holland is Business Development Manager for the Jamaica Tourist Board with overall responsibility for the Western USA, including the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.
Dian works closely with retail and wholesale travel partners, specifically travel agents, tour operators/wholesalers and airlines, to position Brand Jamaica favorably in the marketplace. Her specific responsibility for trade and consumer promotions in the Western USA ensures increases in visitor arrivals from this target area and makes the destination a household name.
Her passion for Jamaica and a natural flair for sales and marketing, led her to join the Jamaica Tourist Board in Kingston, Jamaica in 1978 as an administrator. She was later transferred to Miami, Florida, then to Los Angeles, California. Realizing that she enjoyed being on the road, connecting with both trade and consumers, Dian seized the opportunity to apply for the position of Business Development Manager and now channels her energetic personality in encouraging travel to Jamaica.
Her 44 years of tourism industry experience undoubtedly accounts for her success in helping the Board fulfill its mission to ensure Jamaica remains the Caribbean’s premiere destination.